Tech Stuffs

Brand New Website!

I build websites for so many people, and while doing so I didn’t get the scope to keep my personal site updated with the latest design and trends since I launched it over 20 years ago. This month, I took a break from work and rebuilt the HTML+PHP based site to WordPress. The blog section was already running on WordPress but wasn’t mobile responsive, so that’s another problem that has been solved. The entire process was very time consuming; adding all the pages, copying existing posts and reformatting them, keeping SEO issues in mind, fixing tons of broken links, and finally doing performance and security optimisations, the part that I enjoyed the most.

Here’s what the frontpage of the old site looked like (late 90s aesthetic):


And the blog section that I used to call my Cyber Journal:

Russell's Cyber Journal - Old

With the new site up, I’ll be blogging once again, though it’ll be never the same again due to new laws in the country and so many occurrences concerning bloggers. I’ll stick to writing about silly things, and maybe a few pieces on technical stuff from time to time.

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